
Email Alerts

Stay ahead of the game with our brand monitoring service's daily email alerts. Get instant notifications whenever a new domain is registered, dropped, or updated, all tailored to your specific keywords or typo-squatting terms.

Keyword Exclusion

Refine your monitoring with our keyword exclusion feature. Exclude specific terms to focus on what matters most, ensuring you monitor exactly what you need, effortlessly.

View Historical Results

Access all your historical notification results from the moment you subscribed, empowering you with valuable data and trends whenever you need them.

Edit Monitors

Customize your monitors at any time to align with your specific needs or requirements. Stay agile and responsive to changes in your brand landscape, ensuring your protection strategy evolves alongside your business.

Supported TLDs

Monitor brands and businesses across a diverse selection of top-level domains, including global and country code options. Visit our supported TLDs page for further details.

Downloadable JSON File

Seamlessly retrieve your Brand Alert results in JSON format, enabling easy integration with your existing systems and workflows. Empower your team with actionable insights and streamlined processes, all at your fingertips.

Typo-squatting Results

Enable typo-squatting detection to identify and generate results, safeguarding your brand against potential threats. Stay proactive in protecting your brand with our monitoring tool.


Our brand monitoring tool diligently scan brands once a day, ensuring comprehensive coverage and timely detection of any potential issues.

Common Use Cases

Trademark Protection Brand Protection Agents can monitor domain registrations for any trademarked words, phrases, or variations, ensuring proactive protection of a firm's brand integrity.
Spoofing Prevention Ensure your brand's integrity and reputation with proactive spoofing prevention. Detect domain registrations that mimic your brand name, protecting your company from abuse, phishing, and identity theft while preserving your brand identity and image.
Competitor Analysis Monitor online mentions and discussions related to your brand to effectively manage and protect your brand reputation. Stay informed about public perception and address issues promptly to maintain a positive brand image.
Brand Portfolio Management Manage and track your domain portfolio, including monitoring expiration dates and ensuring all domains are active and secure. Effectively manage your online presence and protect your brand assets.
Brand Reputation Management Monitor competitor domain registrations and activity to gain insights into their strategies. Stay competitive in the market by understanding their moves and adapting your approach accordingly.


What is (domain) brand monitoring?

Domain brand monitoring is a vital tool utilized by security experts, marketers, trademark professionals, and journalists to monitor the registration and expiration of domain names containing specific keywords such as brands, trademarks, or company names. This proactive approach enables stakeholders to stay vigilant against potential infringements and safeguard their brand assets effectively.

What is the brand monitoring tool used for?

The domain brand monitoring tool is specifically designed to track and analyze domain registrations and activities related to a brand's online presence. It allows users to monitor the registration and expiration of domain names containing specific keywords such as brands, trademarks, or company names. This proactive approach helps stakeholders, including security researchers, marketers, trademark lawyers, and journalists, to stay vigilant against potential infringements and safeguard their brand assets effectively.